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Twitter Guide to Online Marketing for Businesses

Twitter Guide to Online Marketing for Businesses

Today I want to share with you this 15-step guide to boost your Marketing on Twitter and with it, you can get the full potential for your brand, whether it’s your personal brand or that of your company. This guide will help you increase your audience, your relevance and develop strategies according to your objectives and your sector.

The 2022 Twitter Guide to Online Marketing for Businesses Twitter is one of the most effective platforms for online marketing campaigns in many ways. Not only is it the largest chat in the world, but its interface also allows you to monitor and measure practically all the actions you carry out, with which you will always be able to see the scope and response of your communication and also improve and correct your strategy, if necessary.

Twitter’s open source allows you to install tools and applications that will give you a lot of information of interest for your communication campaigns that help you define your audience, their topics of interest, their geolocation, etc. There are also applications that allow you to schedule your communication on the most appropriate days and times in order to improve and correct your campaigns.

For this reason, today my goal is to help you optimize your Twitter account so that you can make the most of its potential. Either to give presence and spread the content of your brand or to expand the audience and the impact of your communication campaigns on Twitter. I will summarize all these strong points in this post:

Marketing Keys on Twitter

  1. Create and consolidate your brand

The first step is to optimize your profile on Twitter and for this you need to make use of good images, both for your profile picture and the header. Make a clear and concise description of your knowledge, skills and interests that correctly describe your brand and invite others to follow you.

Customize the background, using your own photos or designs with good resolution that visually define your knowledge or specialties and the services you offer. If you can, upload your images in PNG or SVG (vector) format which will allow you to maintain the proper quality and resolution.

The 2022 Twitter Guide to Online Marketing for Businesses Link your blog or website in the profile description. Twitter is one of the main redirection channels towards your website. Many people, when following a Twitter account, click on the link to see the page. This helps to spread your brand and improve its positioning in search engines, ensuring several visits to your web site. In this post you will find many tips to optimize your account.  Also check descargar videos de twitter

  1. Focus your goals and segment your audience

Make use of Twitter’s advanced search tool to find and follow users with similar interests to your brand. It is a powerful search engine within Twitter that works with keywords and that will help you find accounts of your interest. You can save the searches to activate them again when necessary. A strategic follow -up of the accounts will allow you to generate a follow back .

Now, it is not about following everyone, but about building a community around your brand with interests similar to yours.

Another of the strategic actions for your brand is to create Twitter lists where you can organize your audience by groups. The lists will allow you to carry out segmented marketing campaigns, increasing their effectiveness. You can, for example, organize your community by location of cities, countries or continents, also by gender, hobbies or professions. With the lists you can group and highlight the most influential accounts in your sector.

The 2022 Twitter Guide to Online Marketing for Businesses Creating public and not private Twitter lists (except in strategic cases) is a good strategy. Public lists have two great advantages: on the one hand, your followers and other Twitter users will appreciate that you take the trouble to organize and share a group of related accounts or users. And, on the other hand, the people you include in a public list will be notified by Twitter.

This will allow you to know how others see you and in which group they classify you. Strategically following members of a list you belong to makes it easy to follow back to your account.

  1. Look for sources, referents and influencers in your sector:

Look for accounts that provide valuable content : authors, bloggers and prominent professionals with experience. Strategically monitor accounts that stand out for sharing quality content of common interest and useful information. Learn from them, from their experience, from their way of communicating.

Influencers are Twitter accounts that, apart from having a large community around them, stand out for their authority and the great participation of their followers around their communication. These are accounts whose content is shared, commented on, marked as favorites, recommended or linked frequently. When it comes to having a great community, numbers don’t mean everything.

The 2022 Twitter Guide to Online Marketing for Businesses You can use free tools and apps that will help you find referrers and influencers in your industry, such as  Twtrland  and  Follower wonk . You can also use the Feedly app to organize your content sources or Feeds.

The monitoring of accounts and users must be strategic and selective. The idea is that you build an active community around your brand, a community that participates in your communication, that helps you spread your content and contribute their points of view around your brand.

It is also inadvisable to buy followers on Twitter, in addition to being a visible practice, you will find yourself with a huge bag of accounts that never participate with your communication.

  1. Take full advantage of communication on Twitter

First of all, share valuable content and not commercial content. As I mentioned before, regularly publish content that contains information on relevant topics and of common interest, that provides knowledge and that is useful for your community. For example, share job offers, news, practical advice, explanations of new tools or applications, opinions and recommendations from experts… Everything from the sector in which your brand wants to stand out.

Make your content “retweetable” by making calls to action with phrases, titles and keywords that generate interest. Make strategic use of #Hashtags. Use them if they are topics of interest or search trends and, when doing so, always mention the sources or accounts that you want to see your communications.

Retweet content from other accounts, bookmark messages that you want to highlight and, of course, personally answer many of your followers’ questions or messages. Don’t use automated responses.

Don’t go overboard with self-promotion by talking only about your brand. That the majority of the content you share (70% – 80%) be content from other sources, which you should always mention.

The 2022 Twitter Guide to Online Marketing for Businesses Shorten the links by using applications such as Bitly that, in addition to being free, when you register, offers you a history and statistics of the content shared through this application and arranges them in such a way that you can share them again later, if necessary.

The 2022 Twitter Guide to Online Marketing for Businesses Try that your tweets do not reach the limit of 140 characters. Leave the possibility that other people can add words or hashtags that enhance or enrich your communication.

  1. Make use of multimedia material for your brand content

Twitter always highlights audiovisual content, whether it’s photos, videos, slides (for example, from  Slide share ) or summaries (such as those from  Storify ). Multimedia material is not only more visually appealing to your audience but also offers added value content for your followers.

Twitter allows for a few months to pin a tweet to the top of your account. Strategically place the content you want to make visible there. It is a good way to welcome your account with valuable content that you can optimize with a good image or multimedia content.

Insert tweets into your blog posts, from the Twitter interface. In this way you will be promoting the movement in your account. It is a way to invite users to interact with that Twitter post at the same time that you share its content. A clear example is this tweet placed in a post about Social Media infographics on Pinterest. In addition to providing content, it invites you to retweet or bookmark what is posted on Twitter.


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