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Health and Fitness

Cataract | Bharti eye foundation

A cataract is a collection of thick, blurry tissue in the eye’s lens. The lens is created when proteins in the eye collect and obstruct the retina’s ability to receive clear images. The retina processes nerve signals from light that travels through the lens in order to function. It delivers messages that the brain receives from the optic nerve.

Over time, it worsens until it obstructs your eyesight. Although cataracts can develop in both of your eyes, they often do not do so at the same time. Cataracts frequently affect older adults. By the time they are 80 years old, more than half of Americans will either have cataracts or have had cataract surgery.

Causes of Cataracts

Cataracts have a number of causes. These include:

  • An excessive amount of oxidants, which are oxygen molecules that have been chemically altered due to normal habitation.
  • Smoking
  • Ultraviolet light
  • The regular use of steroids and other medicines
  • a few diseases, including diabetes
  • Trauma
  • Radiation treatment

Types of Cataracts

There are various cataract types. Depending on where and how they appear in your eye, they are classified into categories.

  • Nucleus cataracts, develop in the center of the lens and cause the nucleus, or center, to cloud and turn yellow or brown.
  • Posterior capsular cataracts, which damage the lens’s rear, grow faster than the other two varieties and have margins to the nucleus that resemble a wedge.
  • Compared to age-related cataracts, newborn cataracts, which are present at birth or form during the course of a baby’s first year, are less prevalent.

• Secondary cataracts may be brought on by medication or sickness. Diabetes and glaucoma both have a connection to the development of cataracts. Employing other medications, including prednisone, occasionally causes cataracts.


  • Trouble seeing at night
  • seeing colors as fading
  • Higher sensitivity to light
  • Lights that circle the halos
  • Double vision in the affected eye.
  • The need to regularly adjust prescription eyewear

Cataract treatment

Your doctor might be able to assist you to manage your symptoms if surgery is not an option or is not something you are interested in. It could be advised to wear stronger eyewear, magnifying glasses, or anti-glare sunglasses.


Surgery is suggested if cataracts make it difficult for you to read, drive, or carry out other daily tasks. Moreover, it is carried out when treating other eye conditions is made more difficult by cataracts.

Phacoemulsification is a surgical technique that separates and removes the lens’s shards using ultrasonic waves. During extracapsular surgery, the clouded component of the lens is removed by a long incision in the cornea. The natural intraocular lens is removed during surgery and replaced with a synthetic one. Surgery to remove cataracts is often quite safe and effective. Although the possibility of experiencing any of these side effects is less than 1%, cataract surgery is connected with concerns of infection, hemorrhage, and retinal detachment. The majority of patients are allowed to go home the day after surgery.

Cataract Risk Factors

The following are cataract risk factors.

  • Older years
  • Heavy alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure issues
  • Previous eye damage
  • A family history of cataracts
  • Too much light exposure
  • Diabetes
  • Radiation from cancer treatments and X-rays.


1. What is the cure for cataracts?

Let’s first understand what a cataract is in its simplest form before moving on to a cure or motiyabind treatment. A cataract is a straightforward term for the clouding of the eye’s normally clear lens. Despite the fact that surgery is the only option to treat cataracts, a person may not immediately require it. We’ve listed a few of the several methods for treating eye cataracts below:

  1. Contacts or New Glasses: In the early stages of cataract development, a new prescription for contact lenses or spectacles can improve a person’s vision.
  2. Home Treatment: Contacting an ophthalmologist is the safest method of treatment for treating cataract symptoms and signs. However, a person can currently make minor adjustments to control the signs of an eye cataract:
  • At work and at home, try to wear brighter lenses.
  • Try reading and other daily tasks with magnifying glasses.
  • Purchase anti-glare eyewear.

2. What are the reasons for getting cataracts?

Injury or aging are two of the main causes that lead to cataract development. The tissue that creates the cataract in the eye’s lens has changed in both situations. As the lens’ fibers and proteins begin to degrade, vision becomes hazy or blurry.

Cataract risk can also be increased by inherited or genetic conditions. Additionally, a number of other eye disorders, such as diabetes, previous eye surgeries, the use of steroids, or harsh medications, can also result in ocular cataracts.

3. What will happen if an Eye cataract is left untreated?

Early treatment of ocular cataracts is preferred because if left untreated, they can worsen over time and impair eyesight. However, there is a good probability that the cataract will become hyper-mature if someone chooses to wait too long.

As a result, the cataract becomes more resistant and challenging to remove, complicating the procedure. Therefore, as soon as you notice cataract symptoms, contact an ophthalmologist to schedule a safe and efficient procedure.


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