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Adoption of a Child. Who can adopt?

According to the legal status, an adopted child is equated to a native by birth. The adoption procedure has many features and limitations. Adoption is handled by the court at the request of individuals (individuals) who want to adopt a child. The secrecy of adoption is protected by law. For the adoption of a child, the conclusion of the guardianship and guardianship authority on the validity of the adoption and its compliance with the interests of the adopted child is necessary. With this kind of issue law firm services in Yerevan will help you.

Who is not eligible to be an adoptive parent.

  • persons recognized by the court as incapable or partially capable;
  • persons deprived by a court of parental rights or limited by the court in parental rights;
  • persons suspended from the duties of a guardian (custodian) for improper performance of the duties assigned to them by law;
  • persons who, for health reasons, cannot adopt a child;
  • persons who, at the time of adoption, do not have an income that provides a living wage for the adopted child;
  • persons who have or had a criminal record, who are or have been subjected to criminal prosecution (with the exception of persons whose criminal prosecution has been terminated on rehabilitative grounds);
  • persons who have not completed a training course (with the exception of close relatives of the child, as well as persons who are or were adoptive parents and in respect of whom the adoption was not canceled);
  • persons who are in a connection that is recognized as a marriage and registered in accordance with the rules of the state in which such a marriage is permitted, as well as citizens of the said state who are not married.

What to do for adopted children? 

  • Pass a medical examination. A medical examination is performed to ensure that citizens planning to adopt orphans and children without parental care do not have diseases on the list of diseases that prevent a person from adopting a child.
  • Get a certificate of no criminal record
  • Take training courses. Training is necessary for the formation of educational and parenting skills among citizens, the determination of family resources for the maintenance and upbringing, and the protection of his rights and health.
  • Apply for an adoption. It is necessary to submit an application in person to the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the place of residence in order to obtain an opinion on the possibility of accepting a child into a family.
  • Find a child. To search for a child, you can use the database of guardianship authorities. Having made your choice, contact the guardianship authorities for a referral to visit the children’s institution in which the child you like is located (the address of the children’s institution and contact numbers will be indicated in the referral). After visiting the child, you must inform the guardianship authorities of your decision. If the is found and the issue of adoption is resolved positively, apply for adoption to the court at the place of residence of the child and notify the guardianship authorities (their representative must take part in the court session).
  • Apply for adoption in court.
  • Take an adopted child home.
  • Apply to the registry office.
  • Obtain an adoption certificate.
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